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Paws and Reflect – Navigating Pet Ownership in Ontario Separations

In News by northernlaw

Separation and divorce are never easy. Disputes regarding ownership (or care of) of the family pets may add additional emotion to an already difficult separation. In Ontario, the question of who retains possession of the family pets during a separation or divorce has been a topic of evolving legal discourse. …

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A Guide to Understanding Constructive Dismissal in Ontario

In News by northernlaw

What is Constructive Dismissal?Employers do not always fire employees directly. Rather, they sometimes make significant changes to the terms of an employment contract or create a work environment so toxic or hostile that an employee is compelled to resign. This may constitute constructive dismissal. Not all changes to employment amount …

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Placing Cautions on Title: Proceed with Caution

In News by northernlaw

In many situations, you might want to alert others that you have a stake in a property, even if you’re not the registered owner. This can be accomplished by registering a Caution on title. A Caution alerts others that the property may have a legal claim against it, which could …

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Common-Law Separation and the Family Home

In News by northernlaw

In Ontario, two people are considered common-law partners if they have been continuously living together in a conjugal relationship for at least three years or living together in a relationship of some permanence if they share a child together by birth or adoption. Common-law spouses have fewer legal rights compared …

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Impaired Paddling in Ontario: Navigating the Summer Safely

In News by northernlaw

With the weather quickly heating up in Northern Ontario, the idyllic lake days of summer are around the corner. Paddlers and boating enthusiasts alike should take note that motorized or not, large or small, watercraft can carry people into serious danger. Whether you paddle a canoe or kayak, or a …

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Domestic Violence and Mandatory Charging Policies

In News by northernlaw

Charges of domestic violence are perhaps surprisingly common, even when couples involved would prefer to avoid them. Many charges are laid because our laws and policies require police officers who receive a report to file charges, without first exercising their usual discretion, on the theory that dangerous escalation could follow …